Where Can I Ask a Christian a Question about Stress or PTSD?
Announcement- now Pastor Roland is available for prayer requests by email and online chat for Bible or spiritual questions for educational purposes.
Why an online pastor?
- When you want to talk to a pastor but don't want the pastor to know who you are
- or you want some feedback from the convenience of home.
- I'm an ordained pastor and can provide useful and friendly answers 7 days a week
- without judgement or pressure.
- Sometimes feedback from a professional can be helpful. We all could use a little feedback and help from time to time. "Pastor Roland has a doctorate in Pastoral Psychology and 24 years experience helping people.
- Maybe you don't have a pastor, are between churches or you don't want to get involved with a church.
- Maybe you are not a Christian or religious,
- You just want some feed back from a pastor with no strings attached.
- I provide nondenominational feedback without pressure or judgement.
To find out about talking or chatting with Pastor Roland, visit Talk to a Pastor Online